INT 31 - DOS32 v3.0+ - GET DOS32 VERSION AND SELECTOR VALUES                    
	AX = EE00h
Return: AL = minor version (BCD(Binary Coded Decimal) A method of data storage where two decimal digits are stored in each byte, one in the upper four bits and the other in the lower four bits.  Since only the values 0 through 9 are used in each half of a byte, BCD values can be read as decimal numbers on a hexadecimal display of memory or a file.)
	AH = major version (BCD(Binary Coded Decimal) A method of data storage where two decimal digits are stored in each byte, one in the upper four bits and the other in the lower four bits.  Since only the values 0 through 9 are used in each half of a byte, BCD values can be read as decimal numbers on a hexadecimal display of memory or a file.)
	DL = system type (1=raw DOS, 2=XMSsee Extended Memory Specification, 4=VCPIsee Virtual Control Program Interface, 8=DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface)
	BX = selector of 4GB data segment with zero base address
Program: DOS32 is a 32 bit DOS extender by Adam Seychell.
SeeAlso: AX=EE02h