INT 0E C - IRQ6 - DISKETTE CONTROLLER                                           
Desc:	this interrupt is generated by the floppy disk controller on
	  completion of an operation
Notes:	default handler is at F000h:EF57h in IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. PCIBM PC and 100%-compatible BIOSes
	may be masked by setting bit 6 on I/O port 21h
	DOS 3.3+ revectors IRQ6 to a stack-switching routine unless STACKS=0
	  has been set in CONFIG.SYS.  MS/PC-DOS use the IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. Interrupt Sharing
	  Protocol (see #02568) when hooking this IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) A hardware line connected to the interrupt controller chip which signals that a CPU interrupt should be generated.
SeeAlso: INT 0D"IRQ5",INT 56"DESQview",INT 5E"DoubleDOS",INT 7E"GO32"