INT 21 U - Qualitas 386MAX v7.00+ - ALLOW AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION ON ANY INT 67    
	AX = 4403h subfn 06h
	BX = handle for device "386MAX$$"
	DS:DX -> BYTE 06h
	CX ignored
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AX destroyed
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code (01h,05h,06h,0Dh) (see #01680 at AH=59h/BX=0000h)
Desc:	specified that 386MAX should shift from AUTO to ON mode on any INT 67
	  call other than INT 67/AH=3Fh
SeeAlso: AX=4403h/SF=01h,AX=4403h/SF=03h,AX=4403h/SF=05h