RBIL61 - Browse Interrupt 0x2C
INT 2C - RM386 v6.00 - CLOAKING - RESERVED FOR CLOAKED BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware. The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. USE UNDER WINDOWS {protected mode} INT 2C - Cloaking - CALL PROTECTED-MODE PASSALONG CHAIN {real mode} INT 2C - STARLITE architecture - KERNEL API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. INT 2C - DOS 2+ - RESERVED INT 2C - Cloaking - ALLOCATE GDT SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0000h) INT 2C - Cloaking - FREE GDT SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0001h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET SEGMENT BASE ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0002h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET SEGMENT LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=0003h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET SEGMENT ACCESS MODE {protected mode} (AX=0004h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET SEGMENT EXTENDED ACCESS MODE {protected mode} (AX=0005h) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0006h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET PROTECTED-MODE INTERRUPT VECTOR {protected mode} (AX=0007h) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET PASSALONG ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0008h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET PASSALONG ADDRESS {protected mode} (AX=0009h) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET BASE ADDRESS OF GDT SELECTOR {protected mode} (AX=000Ah) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET SELECTOR LIMIT {protected mode} (AX=000Bh) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - "Simulate_Shell_Event" {protected mode} (AX=000Fh) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - "Switch_VMs_and_Call_back" {protected mode} (AX=0011h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - "Query_Current_VM" {protected mode} (AX=0012h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - "Issue_System_Modal_Message" {protected mode} (AX=0013h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - GET INT 2C API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. HANDLER ENTRY POINT {protected mode} (AX=001Dh) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - CLEAR CRITICAL SECTION {protected mode} (AX=001Eh) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - SET CRITICAL SECTION {protected mode} (AX=001Fh) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET SIZE OF PROTECTED-MODE STATE {protected mode} (AX=0020h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SAVE PROTECTED-MODE STATE {protected mode} (AX=0021h) INT 2C - Cloaking - RESTORE PROTECTED-MODE STATE {protected mode} (AX=0022h) INT 2C - Cloaking - ISSUE PROTECTED-MODE XMSsee Extended Memory Specification CALL {protected mode} (AX=0023h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET V86-MODE STACK {protected mode} (AX=0024h) INT 2C - Cloaking - CALL V86-MODE PROCEDURE {protected mode} (AX=0025h) INT 2C - Cloaking - CALL V86-MODE INTERRUPT HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0026h) INT 2C - Cloaking - CHAIN TO V86-MODE INTERRUPT HANDLER {protected mode} (AX=0027h) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET ESP0 FROM TSS {protected mode} (AX=0028h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET SECONDARY STACK {protected mode} (AX=0029h) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET 8259 IRQ(Interrupt ReQuest) A hardware line connected to the interrupt controller chip which signals that a CPU interrupt should be generated. BASE VECTORS {protected mode} (AX=002Ah) INT 2C - Cloaking - PROTECTED-MODE VIRTUAL DMAsee Direct Memory Access SERVICES {protected mode} (AX=002Bh/CH=81h) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET PORT-TRAPPING PASSALONG {protected mode} (AX=002Ch) INT 2C - Cloaking - SET PORT-TRAPPING PASSALONG {protected mode} (AX=002Dh) INT 2C - Cloaking - TRAP I/O PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) {protected mode} (AX=002Eh) INT 2C - Cloaking - UNTRAP I/O PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=002Fh) INT 2C - Cloaking - GET TRAPPING STATE OF SPECIFIED PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=0030h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - ALLOCATE V86see Virtual-86 Mode CALLBACK {protected mode} (AX=0031h) INT 2C - RM386 v6.00 - BUG {protected mode, undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.). Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated.} (AX=0031h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - FREE V86see Virtual-86 Mode CALLBACK {protected mode} (AX=0032h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - REGISTER CLOAKING CLIENT {protected mode} (AX=0033h) INT 2C - Cloaking v1.01 - UNREGISTER CLOAKING CLIENT {protected mode} (AX=0034h)