RBIL61 - Browse Interrupt 0x32
INT 32 - VIRUS - "Plovdiv 1.3"/"Damage 1.3" - ORIGINAL INT 21h VECTOR INT 32 - VIRUS - "Tiny" Viruses - ORIGINAL INT 21h VECTOR INT 32 - NOISE.SYS - RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (AH=6Eh/AL=19h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS 0.53 - API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. (AH=6Eh) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=6E00h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - GET ENTRY POINT (AX=6E01h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.55+ - GET INTERRUPT HOOK LIST (AX=6E04h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.55+ - GET DEVICE DRIVER HEADER (AX=6E06h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - STATUS CHECK (AX=6E10h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - GET ENTROPY ESTIMATE (AX=6E11h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - ADD SAMPLE FROM FAST TIMER (AX=6E12h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - ADD 16-BIT SAMPLE TO RANDOM POOL (AX=6E13h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - GET FLAGS (AX=6E14h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - SET FLAGS (AX=6E15h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - READ URANDOM BYTES (AX=6E16h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.53+ - READ RANDOM BYTES (AX=6E17h) INT 32 - NOISE.SYS v0.6+ - READ CONTROL RECORD (AX=6E18h)