RBIL61 - Browse Interrupt 0x66
INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - ALTERNATE API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. INT 66 - PC-Magazin - INCA INT 66 - PC-DRAFT - TABLET/DIGITIZER DRIVER INT 66 - Newkey v5.4 - INSTALLATION VECTOR INT 66 - Microsoft Windows VITD.386 Virtual Interval Timer INT 66 - Pdisk by Scott Garfinkle - Overwritten for Hard Drive information INT 66 - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET - NETWORK PROCESSING ??? {callout or callback} INT 66 - Data General DG10 - MicroECLIPSE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE INT 66 - TI Professional PCIBM PC - SYSTEM INFORMATION (NOT A VECTOR!) INT 66 - Adaptec controllers - DRIVE 1 DATA INT 66 - reserved for user interrupt INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? (AH=01h) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? (AH=02h) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SCHEDULE FAX TRANSMISSIONS (AH=03h) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - GET STATUS??? (AH=04h) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - CONVERT FILE AND SEND FAX (AH=05h) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? (AH=06h) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PLAY 8-BIT DIGITIZED SOUND (AX=0688h) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT SOUND DRIVER STATUS (AX=0689h) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PREFORMAT SOUND (AX=068Ah) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PLAY PREFORMATTED SOUND (AX=068Bh) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT AUDIO DRIVER CAPABILITIES (AX=068Ch) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT CURRENT SAMPLE ADDRESS (AX=068Dh) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - SET CALLBACK ADDRESS (AX=068Eh) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - STOP CURRENT SOUND (AX=068Fh) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - "SetAudioHardware" - SET UP HARDWARE INFO (AX=0690h) INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT CALLBACK ADDRESS (AX=0691h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET TIMER DIVISOR RATE (AX=0693h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - PLAY PREFORMATTED DATA (AX=0694h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - POSTsee Power-On Self-Test AUDIO PENDING (AX=0695h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - GET AUDIO PENDING STATUS (AX=0696h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET STEREO PANNING (AX=0697h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET PLAY MODE (AX=0698h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - GET ADDRESSES (AX=0699h) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET RECORD MODE (AX=069Ah) INT 66 - DIGPAK - STOP NEXT LOOP (AX=069Bh) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET DMAsee Direct Memory Access BACKFILL MODE (AX=069Ch) INT 66 - DIGPAK - REPORT DMAsee Direct Memory Access COUNTER (AX=069Dh) INT 66 - DIGPAK - VERIFY DMAsee Direct Memory Access BLOCK (AX=069Eh) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET PCM VOLUME (AX=069Fh) INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET DPMIsee DOS Protected-Mode Interface MODE (AX=06A0h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - UNINSTALL (AX=0700h) INT 66 - IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. Digitized Sound Package MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. driver - GET DIGITIZED SOUND CAPABIL (AX=0701h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - PLAY SEQUENCE (AX=0702h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - SEGUE SEQUENCE (AX=0703h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - REGISTER XMIDI (AX=0704h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - STOP MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. (AX=0705h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - REMAP CHANNEL {obsolete} (AX=0706h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - REPORT TRIGGER EVENT COUNTER (AX=0707h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - RESET EVENT TRIGGER COUNTER (AX=0708h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. SLEEP {obsolete} (AX=0709h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. AWAKE {obsolete} (AX=070Ah) INT 66 - MIDPAK - RESUME PLAYING (AX=070Bh) INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET SEQUENCE STATUS (AX=070Ch) INT 66 - MIDPAK - REGISTER XMIDI FILE (AX=070Dh) INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET RELATIVE VOLUME (AX=070Eh) INT 66 - MIDPAK - SET RELATIVE VOLUME (AX=070Fh) INT 66 - MIDPAK - LOAD MIDPAK DRIVER (AX=0710h/CX=0000h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - POLL MIDPAK (AX=0711h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. CLOCK (AX=0712h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET TRIGGER COUNT ADDRESS (AX=0713h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET EVENT ID ADDRESS (AX=0714h) INT 66 - MIDPAK - REPORT SEQUENCE NUMBER (AX=0716h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - GET ??? (AH=10h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SET ??? HANDLER (AH=11h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - INITIALIZE (AH=12h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SHUTDOWN??? (AH=13h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - ??? (AH=14h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SET ??? HANDLER (AH=15h) INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - UNUSED FUNCTIONS (AH=16h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=21h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=22h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=23h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=24h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=25h/CL=00h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=27h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=28h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=29h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=2Ah) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? (AH=2Bh) INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - INITIALIZE (AH=2Fh) INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - REMOVE TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident) A program which remains in memory after terminating in order to provide services to other programs or the user. The name comes from the name of the DOS function call used to remain in memory after termination. FROM MEMORY (AX=3345h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - GET VERSION (AH=40h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - SET ??? (AH=41h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - ??? (AH=42h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - ??? (AH=43h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - UNUSED FUNCTIONS (AH=44h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - SET ??? (AH=50h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - NOP (AH=51h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - ??? (AH=52h) INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - UNUSED FUNCTIONS (AH=53h) INT 66 - HelpTSR v2.10 - INSTALLATION CHECK (AX=AA02h) INT 66 - PenDOS - VLOAD - API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes. (AH=C5h) INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res Plus - ??? (AX=FFFBh/BX=FFFBh) INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res/Stay-Res Plus - UNINSTALL (AX=FFFEh/BX=FFFEh) INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res Plus - FIND PROGRAM NAME (AX=FFFFh/BX=FFF0h)