Begin3 Title: Testdisk (and Photorec) Version: 7.2-WIP Entered-date: 2024-01-07 Description: Checks partition/bootsector of disks Keywords: testdisk, photorec, data, recover, test Author: Christophe GRENIER Maintained-by: Christophe GRENIER Primary-site: Alternate-site: - Platforms: DOS Copying-policy: GNU General Public License, Version 2 Summary: Testdisk checks partition/bootsector of disks; Photorec recovers many types of data Packager: v0.4.4 Modified-date: 2024-02-01.0 Git-Site: Git-Commit: 1863b5e9 Timestamps: outdated Group: util CRC: 848a2c06 MD5: a1b0531aa396634aaffd9853e4400fa0 SHA: c89dc0c017a8f091d73deadca9e1723998fe0dd44fb6aca4accff713941cd197 End