fd.lod.bz - A server dedicated to FreeDOS™ and related items.
Index of:
  Name Size Modified
redist 1:46pm12/03/2024
releases 4:20am01/01/2025
repos 2:36am01/17/2025
R.B.I.L. 6:15pm08/02/2024
Supporter-Links 10:20pm11/18/2023
Patreon253 bytes2:58am12/05/2023
LazyBoy88 bytes1:10pm05/24/2024
Repo - official139 bytes9:30am10/13/2020
Repo - unofficial94 bytes9:23am10/13/2020
robots.txt23 bytes4:04am03/05/2023
5 files, 5 sub-directories 597 bytes
Available languages: English, Español, Deutsch, Français, Türkçe
Icons by Icons8.