The LazyBoy Library Manual - Window

Part of the CRT group.

%imacro Window 1, 2 or 4
Prefers: Maximum
Prefers: CX, DX
Prefers: CL, CH, DL, DH

Set the region of the screen to contain/restrict the output of the CRT display macros. Such as: ClrScr, Scroll, text output using Write to wdCRT, etc.


    Window Maximum        ; set the region to the entire screen
    Window CX, DX         ; Set the upper left of the region to Column CL,
                          ; Row CH and the lower right to Column DL, row DH.
    Window 0, cl, 79, dl  ; Set the upper left of the region to Column 0, Row
                          ; cl and the lower right to Column 79, row dl.

See Also: GetWinMin, GetWinMax, GetLimitXY and GotoXY