The LazyBoy Library Manual - Strings

NOTE: All macros that are part of STRS do not require DS to be the program Data Segment. These macros operate on from ASCIIZ strings pointers to ASCIIZ strings pointers or on directly on ASCIIZ strings. These macros have no data of their own, can be used before library initialization and do not require DS to equal CS.

General ASCIIZ string processing.

StrLenReturn length of an ASCIIZ String.

ASCIIZ string tables (like the environment variable table).

StrNextMove to next string in ASCIIZ string table.
StrKeyFind a key in ASCIIZ string table.
StrValFind a key's value in ASCIIZ string table.

ASCIIZ lookup tables.

StrByteLookupLookup string in byte indexed table.
StrWordLookupLookup string in word indexed table.
StrWordRLookupLookup index of string in word indexed table.
StrFuncParserString parser function dispatcher.
StrByteTableByte indexed string table entry.
StrWordTableWord indexed string table entry.
StrFuncTableString parser function dispatcher table entry.

ASCIIZ to number conversion.

StrToByteConvert a string to a byte.
StrToWordConvert a string to a word.
StrToDWordConvert a string to a dword or word pair.
StrToQWordConvert a string to a qword in memory.
StrToTWordConvert a string to a tword in memory.
StrToOWordConvert a string to a oword in memory.
StrToYWordConvert a string to a yword in memory.
StrToZWordConvert a string to a zword in memory.