I2C(also IIC; the "2" is superscripted) Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus -- A moderate-speed serial communications bus originally invented by Philips in the early 1980s for consumer-electronics applications, such as inter-chip communication in a television set or high-end stereo. The I2C bus has recently appeared on PCs in video capture boards and similar devices, as well as (surprisingly) SDRAM DIMMs (for the on-board serial EEPROM). The ACCESS.bus is a derivative of the I2C bus which forms the physical layer of the Universal Serial Bus. Similary, the SMBus (System Management Bus) also uses I2C as its physical layer. 8Eh/38h - ITT VDP 31xxB - FP Data Transfer (Table I0068) Values for ITT VDP 31xxB Fast Processor register: 12h general-purpose control bits 13h standard recognition status 15h vertical field counter 20h standard select 21h input select 22h picture start position 23h luma/chroma delay 27h comb filter control 31h measured burst amplitude 39h color amplitude killer threshold 3Ah color amplitude killer hysteresis 40h scaler mode register !!! 74h measured sync amplitude value CBh number of lines per field DCh NTSC tint angle F0h firmware version number F1h hardware version number F7h crystal oscillator line-locked mode F8h crystal oscillator center adjust F9h crystal oscillator center adjust (line-locked mode)