AH = 0Ah
	AL = number of sectors (01h may be only value supported)
	CH = low eight bits of cylinder number
	CL = sector number (bits 5-0)
	     high two bits of cylinder number (bits 7-6)
	DH = head number
	DL = drive number (80h = first, 81h = second)
	ES:BX -> data buffer
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	AH = status (see #00234)
	AL = number of sectors transferred
Notes:	this function reads in four to seven bytes of error-correcting code
	  along with each sector's worth of information
	data errors are not automatically corrected, and the read is aborted
	  after the first sector with an ECC error
	used for diagnostics only on PS/2IBM PS/2, any model systems; IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. officially classifies
	  this function as optional
BUG:	on the original IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. ATIBM PC AT BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. (1984/01/10) this function does not disable
	  interrupts for harddisks (DL >= 80h). On these machines the MS-DOS/
	  PCIBM PC DOS IO.SYS/IBMBIO.COM installs a special filter to bypass the
	  buggy code in the ROM(Read-Only Memory) A memory for program storage which may not be changed by the program as it runs. (see CALL F000h:211Eh)
SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=0Bh,MEM 0040h:0074h