INT 15 - SYSTEM - RETURN EXTENDED-BIOS DATA-AREA SEGMENT ADDRESS (PSIBM PS/2, any model) AH = C1h Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful ES = segment of data area (see #M0001,#M0004,#M0005) SeeAlso: AH=04h"ABIOS(Advanced BIOS) The IBMInternational Busiuness Machines XTIBM PC XT/286 and PS/2IBM PS/2, any model models with 80286 or higher processors contain two separate BIOSes. The ABIOS is a protected-mode BIOS which is used by OS/2. For machines without an ABIOS, such as the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines ATIBM PC AT, OS/2 loads the equivalent of the ABIOS from disk. see also CBIOS",MEM 0040h:000Eh"DATA"