INT 16 - KEYBOARD - SET TYPEMATIC RATE AND DELAY                                
	AH = 03h
	AL = subfunction
	    00h set default delay and rate (PCjr and some PS/2IBM PS/2, any model)
	    01h increase delay before repeat (PCjr)
	    02h decrease repeat rate by factor of 2 (PCjr)
	    03h increase delay and decrease repeat rate (PCjr)
	    04h turn off typematic repeat (PCjr and some PS/2IBM PS/2, any model)
	    05h set repeat rate and delay (ATIBM PC AT,PSIBM PS/2, any model)
		BH = delay value (00h = 250ms to 03h = 1000ms)
		BL = repeat rate (00h=30/sec to 0Ch=10/sec [def] to 1Fh=2/sec)
	    06h get current typematic rate and delay (newer PSIBM PS/2, any model/2s)
		Return: BL = repeat rate (above)
			BH = delay (above)
Return: AH destroyed by many BIOSes
Note:	use INT 16/AH=09h to determine whether some of the subfunctions are
SeeAlso: INT 16/AH=09h,AH=29h"HUNTER",AH=2Ah"HUNTER"