INT 48 - TI Professional PCIBM PC - SPEAKER DEVICE - SOUND SPEAKER AH = 00h AL = number of 25ms ticks sound should last Return: nothing Desc: sound the speaker at the current frequency setting (see AH=02h) for the indicated duration Notes: this function returns immediately; the sound is terminated by the timer interrupt handler if a new sound is requested while one is already in progress, the previous sound is terminated immediately and the new sound takes its place SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=02h,AH=03h,AH=04h,AH=06h,AH=08h,AH=0Ah,AH=0Bh SeeAlso: INT 40"TI Professional",INT 49/AH=01h"TI" SeeAlso: INT 4A/AH=00h"TI",INT 4C"TI Professional",INT 4D/AH=00h