INT 21 - DOS 1+ - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE USING FCBsee File Control Block AH = 16h DS:DX -> unopened FCBsee File Control Block (see #01345), wildcards not allowed Return: AL = status 00h successful FFh directory full or file exists and is read-only or locked Notes: if file already exists, it is truncated to zero length if an extended FCBsee File Control Block is used, the file is given the attribute in the FCBsee File Control Block; this is how to create a volume label in the disk's root dir not supported by MS Windows 3.0 DOSX.EXE DOS extender (FAT32 drive) this function will only succeed for creating a volume label; FAT32 does not support FCBs for file I/O SeeAlso: AH=0Fh,AH=10h,AH=3Ch