INT 21 - Windows95 - LONG FILENAME - DOS TIME TO FILE TIME                      
	AX = 71A7h
	BL = 01h
	CX = DOS time (see #01665)
	DX = DOS date (see #01666)
	BH = hundredths (10-millisecond units past time in CX)
	ES:DI -> buffer for QWORD(quad-word) Eight bytes.  See also DWORD, PWORD. file time
Return: CF clear if successful
	    ES:DI buffer filled
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code
		7100h if function not supported
Desc:	convert DOS-style date and time (local timezone) into Win95 64-bit
	  file time (UTC)
SeeAlso: AX=71A6h,AX=71A7h/BL=00h