INT 2F U - DOS 3.0+ internal - SET EXTENDED ERROR INFO                          
	AX = 1222h
	SS = DOS data segment
	SS:SI -> 4-byte records
		BYTE	error code, FFh = last record
		BYTE	error class, FFh = don't change
		BYTE	suggested action, FFh = don't change
		BYTE	error locus, FFh = don't change
	SDAsee Swappable Data Area error code set
Return: SI destroyed
	SDAsee Swappable Data Area error class, error locus, and suggested action fields set
Note:	can be called only from within DOS
SeeAlso: AX=122Dh,INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h,INT 21/AX=5D0Ah