INT 2F - DR DOS 6.0 TaskMAX - GET STATUS                                        
	AX = 2701h
Return: AX = maximum simultaneous tasks
	BX = index into TASK_IDS of current foreground task
	CX = currently-active tasks
	DX = version number (DL = major, DH = minor)
	    (DR DOS 6.0 = 0001h, Novell DOS 7 = 0002h)
	ES:DI -> name table (array of 8-byte names, NUL-terminated if <8 chars)
Notes:	do not attempt to create a new task if CX == AX
	the task's index is its position on the task menu, while its ID is the
	  position within the internal task name table
SeeAlso: AX=2714h,AX=2716h