INT 13 U - Seagate - ??? - RETURN IDENTIFICATION                                
	AX = 5504h
	DX = drive (bit 7 set for hard disk)
Return: CF clear if successful
	    AX = 4321h if ST01/ST02h
	    AX = 4322h if ??? Seagate controller
	CF set on error
SeeAlso: AX=5505h,AX=5514h

INT 13 - Seagate ST01/ST02 - RETURN IDENTIFICATION                              
	AX = 5504h
	DL = drive ID (80h, 81h, ...)
Return: AX = 4321h
	BL = selected drive number (00h, 01h)
	BH = number of drives attached to Host Adapter (max. 2)