INT 14 - FOSSIL(Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer)  A standardized API for performing serial I/O, originally used by the Fido and Opus bulletin- board software and Seadog bulletin-board mailer, but now in wider use. - RAISE/LOWER DTR
	AH = 06h
	DX = port
	AL = DTR state to be set
	    00h = lower
	    01h = raise
Return: nothing
SeeAlso: AH=05h"MBBIOS",AH=1Ah

INT 14 - MultiDOS Plus IODRV - WRITE CHARACTER TO PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT)
	AH = 06h
	AL = character
Return: AL = status
	    00h successful
Notes:	the port number is stored at offset BEh in the Task Control Block
	if output queue is full, the calling task is blocked until the
	  character can be stored
SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=04h"MultiDOS",AH=05h"MultiDOS",AH=21h"MultiDOS"
SeeAlso: INT 15/AH=13h"MultiDOS"

INT 14 - MBBIOS - RAISE DTR AND RTS                                             
	AH = 06h
	DX = port number
Return: none
SeeAlso: AH=05h"MBBIOS",AH=07h"MBBIOS"

INT 14 - PC-MOS/386 v5.01 $serial.sys v5.04 - DRIVER 'ID' FUNCTION              
	AH = 06h
	DX = port number
Return: AH bit 7 set
	AL = number of highest function supported by driver
Program: PC-MOS/386 v5.01 is a multitasking, multiuser MS-DOS 5.0-compatible
	  operating system by The Software Link, Inc.
SeeAlso: AH=18h"PC-MOS"