INT 2F - DOS 3.3+ KEYB.COM - SET KEYBOARD MAPPING                               
	AX = AD82h
	BL = new state
	    00h US keyboard (Control-Alt-F1)
	    FFh foreign keyboard (Control-Alt-F2)
Return: CF set on error (BL not 00h or FFh)
	CF clear if successful
Notes:	this function was undocumentedInformation about a product which is not publicly available from the manufacturer, and must be determined by reverse-engineering (disassembly, trial-and-error, etc.).	 Undocumented information tends to change -- often dramatically -- between successive revisions of a product, since the manufacturer has no obligation to maintain compatibility in behavior which is not explicitly stated. prior to the release of DOS 5.0
	the states 00h and FFh correspond with the byte stored at offset +02h
	  in KEYBs INT 09h handler
SeeAlso: AX=AD80h,AX=AD81h,AX=AD83h,AX=AD84h