INT 67 - LIM EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification - GET OR SET PAGE MAP
	AH = 4Eh
	AL = subfunction
	    00h get mapping registers
	    01h set mapping registers
	    02h get and set mapping registers at once
	    03h get size of page-mapping array
	DS:SI -> array holding information (AL=01h/02h)
	ES:DI -> array to receive information (AL=00h/02h)
Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh,A3h) (see also AH=40h)
	    00h successful
		AL = bytes in page-mapping array (AL=03h only)
		array pointed to by ES:DI receives mapping info (AL=00h/02h)
Notes:	this function was designed to be used by multitasking operating systems
	  and should not ordinarily be used by appplication software.
	MD386 returns the size of the page-mapping array in AX instead of AL
SeeAlso: AH=4Fh