INT 67 - RM386 - MAP LOGICAL 4K PAGE TO PHYSICAL SEGMENT                        
	AX = 5DE6h
	BX = logical page number in 4K pages from beginning of memory for EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification
	CX = segment in first megabyte to be remapped
	DX = previously-allocated EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification handle
Return: AH = status
	    00h successful
	    83h invalid handle
	    8Ah invalid logical page (out of handle's range)
	    8Bh invalid destination page (not in first megabyte)
Note:	RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected
	  mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be
	  overridden simply by hooking the interrupt
SeeAlso: AX=5DE5h