INT 2F CU - NETWORK REDIRECTOR - CLOSE REMOTE FILE                              
	AX = 1106h
	ES:DI -> filled-in SFTsee System File Table (assumed to point at SDAsee Swappable Data Area's current SFTsee System File Table field)
Return: CF set on error
	    AX = DOS error code (see #01680 at INT 21/AH=59h/BX=0000h)
	CF clear if successful
	    SFTsee System File Table updated (redirector must decrement open count, which may be
		  done with INT 2F/AX=1208h)
	ES:DI must be preserved
Note:	this function is called by the DOS 3.1+ kernel
SeeAlso: AX=1116h,AX=1201h,AX=1208h,AX=1227h,INT 21/AH=3Eh