INT 62 - BW-TCP - ETHDRV.SYS - MAP EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification PAGE FRAME
	AH = FEh
	AL = direction
	    00h map in driver's memory block
	    01h map out driver's memory block
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AL = error code
Range:	INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration
Notes:	this function is supported by at least the SLIP and ODI(Open Data-link Interface) A hardware-independent network interface developed by Novell, Inc.  See also NDIS, Packet Driver. versions of
	the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IPThe protocol suite originally developed by DARPA for use on its ARPAnet network, which is now known as the Internet.  See also IP, TCP. protocol stack uses two consecutive
	  interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third
	  consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded
SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV",INT 62/AH=18h"ETHDEV"
SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h,INT 64/AH=FEh