INT 7F - Alloy ANSK, NTNX, MW386 - GET USER NUMBER                              
	AH = 03h
Return: AL = user number
	AH = machine number (MW386)
Note:	this function call is the recommended method for a CPU-bound process to
	  prevent its priority from being lowered
SeeAlso: AH=04h,AH=05h,AH=A1h

INT 7F - G8BPQ v4.00+ - HOST MODE - RECEIVE FRAME                               
	AH = 03h
	AL = stream number (01h-40h)
	ES:DI -> buffer for frame (must be large enough for a full frame; 350
		  bytes is usually sufficient)
Return: BX = number of pending frames (0000h if returned frame was last avail)
	CX = length of received frame
SeeAlso: AH=02h"G8BPQ",AH=07h"G8BPQ",AH=0Bh"G8BPQ"