INT 7F - Alloy MW386 - SET TERMINAL PARAMETERS                                  
	AH = 3Bh
	AL = baud rate (00h = 38400, 01h = 19200, etc)
	CL = parity (00h none, 01h even, 02h odd)
	CH = handshaking (00h none, 01h XON/XOFF, 02h DTR/DSR, 03h XPC)
	DL = user number (FFh = caller)
	DH = machine number for user
Return: CF set if invalid user number
Notes:	only available to supervisors
	the new parameters will take effect immediately if the user's terminal
	  has not been started, else AH=3Dh must be called to post the changes
SeeAlso: AH=3Ah,AH=3Dh