INT 10 - ATI Mach64 BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. - SET ???
	AX = A00Eh
	CL = ??? (00h-03h)
Return: AH = status
	    00h successful
	    01h failed
Notes:	CL zero/nonzero are treated differently
	NOP in All-in-Wonder 128 BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly.
SeeAlso: AX=A000h,AX=A00Fh