INT 15h - Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0???+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6700h BX = FFFFh Return: BX = FFFFh (Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS not installed) BX = version (e.g. 0101h for Arabic/Hebrew MS-DOS 5.0) Note: This call is made by the SK_HGC.COM TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident) A program which remains in memory after terminating in order to provide services to other programs or the user. The name comes from the name of the DOS function call used to remain in memory after termination. for HGC(Hercules Graphics Card) A monochrome video adapter capable of 720x352 monochrome graphics. The HGC was the first non-IBM video adapter for the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC. See also CGAColor Graphics Adapter, MDA. and HGC(Hercules Graphics Card) A monochrome video adapter capable of 720x352 monochrome graphics. The HGC was the first non-IBM video adapter for the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC. See also CGAColor Graphics Adapter, MDA./RAMFont graphics adapters to ensure it runs on the correct version of Arabic or Hebrew MS-DOS. The function is probably implemented in the ARABIC.COM/HEBREW.COM driver. Arabic/Hebrew versions of MS-DOS 3.3 existed, but no details are available. SeeAlso: AX=67C3h,INT 2F/AX=AD41h