INT 2F - Multiplex - ??? - INSTALLATION CHECK???                                
	AX = E700h
	BX = 4158h ("AX")
	CX = 4953h ("IS")
	DX = 4845h ("HE")
Return: AL = FFh if installed
	    BX = 4C4Fh ("LO") if ??? installed
	    CX = 4F4Bh ("OK")
	    DX = 4F55h ("OU")
		ES:DI -> ???
Range:	AH=C0h to AH=FFh, selected by scanning AH=E7-FFh, then AH=C0h-E6h
Note:	called by QDPMI when its Real to Protected ModeOne of the operating modes of the 80286 and higher Intel processors, in which addresses used by programs no longer correspond to physical addresses and the CPU enforces various protection mechanisms designed to prevent one program from disrupting other programs or the operating system.  See also Real Mode, Virtual-86 Mode. Switch Entry Point
	  is called