INT 66 - IBMInternational Busiuness MachinesInternational Busiuness Machines) A hardware, software and other service technology company founded in 1911. Digitized Sound Package MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. driver - GET DIGITIZED SOUND CAPABIL AX = 0701h Return: AX = digitized sound capabilities 0000h if digitized sound driver (functions 06xxh) not available InstallCheck: test for the signature "MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer." six bytes before the interrupt handler Note: also supported by MIDPAK, the successor to the Digitized Sound Package's MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer. driver SeeAlso: AX=0688h