INT 7E - SBOS v3.82 - UNINSTALL                                                 
	AX = 00FEh
Return: AX = status
	    0000h successful
	    00FCh unable to unhook INT 21
	    00FDh unable to unhook INT 09
	    00FEh unable to release memory
Program: SBOS is a SoundBlaster emulator for the Gravis UltraSound
InstallCheck:	test for the ASCII signature "SBOS" at offset 0Ah in the
	  interrupt handler's segment (similar to one of the possible EMSsee Expanded Memory Specification
	  installation checks)
Range:	SBOS may use INT 78-INT 7F
Note:	this function may not be called if any SBOS vectors have been hooked
SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=FD12h,INT 78"UltraMID"