INT 80 - SBSIM - "STOPSND" - STOP MUSIC/VOICE ON SELECTED DRIVER BL = 02h BH = driver number (01h = FM(Frequency Modulation) A method of encoding data as a series of magnetic flux reversals on disk or tape, commonly known as single-density recording. In frequency modulation, a series of clock pulses are written at regular intervals, with one data bit for each clock pulse. See also MFM, RLL., 02h=DDBV, 03h=memvoice, 05h=MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) A standardized interface for controlling musical instruments with a computer.) Return: nothing SeeAlso: INT 80/BL=00h"SBSIM",INT 80/BL=01h"SBSIM",INT 80/BL=03h"SBSIM"