INT 2F CU - NLSFUNC.COM - GET EXTENDED COUNTRY INFO                             
	AX = 1402h
	BP = subfunction (same as AL for INT 21/AH=65h)
	BX = code page (see #01757 at INT 21/AX=6602h)
	DX = country code (see #01400 at INT 21/AH=38h)
	DS:SI -> internal code page structure (see #02618)
	ES:DI -> user buffer
	CX = size of user buffer
Return: AL = status
	    00h successful
	    else DOS error code
Notes:	this function is called by the DOS v3.3+ kernel on INT 21/AH=65h
	code page structure apparently only needed for COUNTRY.SYS pathname
SeeAlso: AX=1401h"NLSFUNC",AX=1403h"NLSFUNC",AX=1404h,INT 21/AH=65h