INT 10 - FRIEZE v7.41+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 0Fh SI = F123h DI = 321Fh Return: AH = number of character columns AL = display mode (see #00010 at AH=00h) BH = active page (see AH=05h) SI = DI = F345h if installed Notes: if mode was set with bit 7 set ("no blanking"), the returned mode will also have bit 7 set EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter(Enhanced Graphics Adapter) IBMInternational Busiuness Machines's second color video board for the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PCIBM PC family, capable of a maximum resolution of 640x350 pixels in 16 simultaneous colors of a total of 64 possible colors., VGAVideo Graphics Array(Video Graphics Array) The video adapter introduced with the IBMInternational Busiuness Machines PS/2IBM PS/2, any model series of computers., and UltraVision return either AL=03h (color) or AL=07h (monochrome) in all extended-row text modes SeeAlso: AH=0Fh"VIDEO",AH=4Bh"FRIEZE"