INT 11 - Blank-It Screen Blanker - INSTALLATION CHECK                           
	AX = 0225h
	BX = 6900h
Return: BL = 23h
	ES:DI -> ASCIZA NUL-terminated ASCII string.	The ASCIZ string "ABC" consists of the four bytes 41h, 42h, 43h, and 00h.  Unless otherwise specified, maximum lengths given in the interrupt list do not include the terminating NUL. "BLNKIT"
Program: Blank-It is a resident screen blanker by Rhode Island Soft Systems,
SeeAlso: AX=0225h/BX=6902h,AX=0225h/BX=6908h,AX=0225h/BX=6909h,INT 14/AX=AA01h
Index:	screen saver;Blank-It