INT 2F U - AVATAR(Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator) A set of control codes which may be used to affect the output of characters to the screen on systems equipped with an appropriate driver.	 Similar in intent to ANSI sequences, AVATAR has shorter command sequences and provides additional PC-specific functionality. AVATAR is primarily used by the Opus and Maximus bulletin board systems (it was designed by one of the developers of the Opus system)..SYS v0.11 - GET ??? SIZE
	AX = 1A72h
Return: CX = maximum size of ???
SeeAlso: AX=1A00h/BX=4156h,AX=1A52h,AX=1A7Bh,AX=1AADh"AVATAR(Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator) A set of control codes which may be used to affect the output of characters to the screen on systems equipped with an appropriate driver.	 Similar in intent to ANSI sequences, AVATAR has shorter command sequences and provides additional PC-specific functionality. AVATAR is primarily used by the Opus and Maximus bulletin board systems (it was designed by one of the developers of the Opus system)."