INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETBANKS" - SET SVGA(Super VGAVideo Graphics Array) A video adapter capable of higher resolution (pixels and/or colors) than the 320x200x256 and 640x480x16 which IBMInternational Busiuness Machines's VGAVideo Graphics Array adapter is capable of producing.  See also VESA. READ AND WRITE BANKS
	AX = 00A7h
	BX = memory bank from which to read (FFFFh leave unchanged)
	CX = memory bank to which to write (FFFFh leave unchanged)
Note:	the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but
	  their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h)
SeeAlso: AX=003Bh