INT 20 P - Microsoft Windows - VKD - VxDA virtual device driver for Windows 3.x or 95. So called because nearly all of the Windows 3.0 drivers had names of the form "VdeviceD". See also device driver. SERVICES VxDA virtual device driver for Windows 3.x or 95. So called because nearly all of the Windows 3.0 drivers had names of the form "VdeviceD". See also device driver. = 000Dh Note: the desired VxDA virtual device driver for Windows 3.x or 95. So called because nearly all of the Windows 3.0 drivers had names of the form "VdeviceD". See also device driver. and service number are identified by the data immediately following the INT 20 instruction, as in: INT 20h DW service number DW VxDA virtual device driver for Windows 3.x or 95. So called because nearly all of the Windows 3.0 drivers had names of the form "VdeviceD". See also device driver. identifier SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1684h"DEVICE API(Application Program[ming] Interface) The defined set of calls which a program may make to interact with or request services of the operating system or environment under which it is running. Because the inputs and outputs of the calls are well-defined, a program using the API can continue using the identical calls even if the internal organization of the program providing the API changes.",INT 30"Windows",#01265,#01340 (Table 01276) Values for VKD (VxDA virtual device driver for Windows 3.x or 95. So called because nearly all of the Windows 3.0 drivers had names of the form "VdeviceD". See also device driver. ID 000Dh) service number: 0000h get version 0001h define hotkey 0002h remove hotkey 0003h locally enable hotkey 0004h locally disable hotkey 0005h reflect hotkey 0006h cancel hotkey state 0007h force keys 0008h get keyboard owner 0009h define paste mode 000Ah start pasting 000Bh cancel paste 000Ch get message key 000Dh peek message key 000Eh flush message key queue 000Fh "VKD_Enable_Keyboard" 0010h "VKD_Disable_Keyboard" 0011h "VKD_Get_Shift_State" 0012h "VKD_Filter_Keyboard_Input" 0013h "VKD_Put_Byte" 0014h "VKD_Set_Shift_State" ...last service for Windows95 SP1 SeeAlso: #01275,#01277