INT 2F U - MS Windows 3.0+ - KERNEL IDLE CALL                                   
	AX = 1689h
	BX = status flags (see #04105)
Return: ???
Desc:	the Windows KERNEL idle loop calls this function, which VMM uses as an
	  indication that the system is idle, which in turn generates INT 28
	  and INT 2F/AX=1607h/BX=0018h callouts
SeeAlso: AX=1680h,AX=1607h/BX=0018h,INT 15/AX=1000h,INT 28

Bitfields for Kernel Idle status flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 04106)
 15-1	reserved
 0	"Win_Idle_Mouse_Busy"