PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0778-077A - Intel 82091AA - ECP-mode PARALLEL PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) Range: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0678h or PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0378h, depending on the base address of the parallel port (0278h or 0378h) SeeAlso: PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0378h,PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 0678h,PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) 07BCh 0378 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=011) ECP Address/RLE FIFO (see #P0917) (this is the same address normally used for parallel port data) 0778 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=010) standard parallel port data FIFO (see #P0918) 0778 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=011) ECP data FIFO (see #P0919) 0778 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=110) test FIFO (see #P0920) 0778 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=111) ECP configuration A (see #P0921) 0779 RW (when ECR bits 7-5=111) ECP configuration B (see #P0922) 077A RW extended control register (ECR) (see #P0923)