NUL Device Existence Test 2023-05-23 This test reveals two separate issues: Issue 1: Testing for the existence of a path by using the NUL device does not work on CD/DVD drives or Network Shares. The result is always FALSE. IF EXIST N:\NUL ECHO Drive N: exists. See either result0.htm or result1.htm. Although this behavior deviates from that of other drives,it is consistent with the behavior of MS-DOS 6.22 using MSCDEX. There is the possibility that correcting this issue has the potential to break compatibility with any program that may rely on this behavior. Issue 2: Testing for the existence of a non-existing drive returns unreliable results. This seems reproducible based on the current working directory when the test is performed. For each test, a copy of the test.bat was placed in the current working directory. result0.htm was run with the current drive and directory on an internal local drive (C:) and incorrectly shows that the non-existing drive (P:) was found. result1.htm was run with the current drive and directory on an remote network share (N:) and correctly shows that the non-existing drive (P:) was not found. Switching back and forth between drive C: and N: and running the TEST.BAT consistently produces the same results.