INT 21 - Windows95 - FAT32 - EXTENDED ABSOLUTE DISK READ/WRITE                  
	AX = 7305h
	DL = drive number (01h=A:, etc.)
	SI = read/write mode flags (see #01791)
	DS:BX -> disk I/O packet (see #02548 at INT 25)
Return: CF clear if successful
	CF set on error
	    AX = error code
Note:	one can not specify the default drive (DL=00h) for this function.
SeeAlso: AX=7302h,AX=7304h,INT 25,INT 26

Bitfields for Extended Absolute Disk Read/Write mode flags:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 01791)
 0	direction (0=read, 1=write)
 12-1	reserved (0)
 14-13	write type (should be 00 on reads)
	00 unknown data
	01 FATsee File Allocation Table data
	10 directory data
	11 file data
 15	reserved (0)