AX = 0080h
	BX = basic configuration (see #04061)
	CX = advanced configuration (see #04062)
Return: AX = status (0001h OK, 0000h not first call in program)
Program: PCROBOTS is P.D. Smith's adaptation of Tom Poindexter's CROBOTS, in
	  which specially-written .COM or .EXE programs form robots battling
	  each other in a user-defined arena
Notes:	a maximum of ten points may be allocated to the robot; if you attempt
	  to allocate more, some items will be given a value of zero.  If this
	  function is not called, each attribute is set to the default value
	  of 2.
	if the invisibility option is chosen, the robot will start with only
	  900 cannon shells instead of the default 1000

Bitfields for PCROBOTS basic configuration:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 04061)
 0-3	maximum speed (0-4 = 50,75,100,150,200)
 4-7	maneuverability (0-4 = 20%,35%,50%,75%,100%)
 8-11	cannon range (0-4 = 300,500,700,1000,1500)
 12-15	robot armor (0-4 = 50,75,100,150,200)

Bitfields for PCROBOTS advanced configuration:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 04062)
 0-2	robot acceleration (0-4 = 5,7,10,15,20)
 3	capable of invisibility