INT 78 - TARGA.DEV - CMC International SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. device driver - SET I/O PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT)
	AH = 00h
	DX = interface board I/O port
Return: CF set on error
	    AL = error code (see #03786)
InstallCheck:	(used by TARGA.DEV) test for the string "SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE." at offset 03h
	  into the interrupt handler
Note:	if this routine is not called, the port is the driver's default
	  (usually 0280h or 0300h)
SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=02h
Index:	installation check;TARGA.DEV

(Table 03786)
Values for TARGA.DEV error code:
 00h	illegal command given to SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. code
 01h	invalid I/O port specified (must be from 100H to 3F8H, and must be on
	  an 8-port boundary)
 02h	invalid DMAsee Direct Memory Access channel specified (must be from 1 to 3)
 03h	invalid SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. board number specified (must be from 0 to 7)
 04h	error from data register test during self-test
 05h	SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. input signals not all 0 when SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. RST activated
 06h	SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. input signals not all 0 before selecting a SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. device
 07h	BSY signal is active; SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. bus is busy
 08h	SCSI(Small Computer Systems Interface) A system-independent expansion bus typically used to connect hard disks, tape drives, and CD-ROMs to a computer.	A host adapter connects the SCSI bus to the computer's own bus.  See also ESDI, IDE. board not selected, BSY signal did not come on in response to
	  raising SEL
 09h	time-out waiting for status state, signifying end of DMAsee Direct Memory Access transfer