INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - RETURN BUTTON PRESS DATA                              
	AX = 0005h
	BX = button number (see #03169)
Return: AX = button states (see #03168)
	BX = number of times specified button has been pressed since last call
	CX = column at time specified button was last pressed
	DX = row at time specified button was last pressed
Note:	at least for the Genius mouse driver, the number of button presses
	  returned is limited to 7FFFh
SeeAlso: AX=0006h,INT 62/AX=007Ch

(Table 03169)
Values for mouse button number:
 0000h	left
 0001h	right
 0002h	middle (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius mouse)