INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE SCREEN REGION FOR UPDATING                     
	AX = 0010h
	CX,DX = X,Y coordinates of upper left corner
	SI,DI = X,Y coordinates of lower right corner
Note:	mouse cursor is hidden in the specified region, and needs to be
	  explicitly turned on again
SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0007h,AX=0010h"Genius MOUSE",AX=0031h

INT 33 - Genius MOUSE - DEFINE SCREEN REGION FOR UPDATING                       
	AX = 0010h
	ES:DX -> update region list (see #03173)
Notes:	mouse cursor is hidden in the specified region, and needs to be
	  explicitly turned on again
	this version of the call is described in an August 1988 version of the
	  Genius Mouse programmer's reference; it has been changed to conform
	  to the Microsoft version shown above by version 9.06 (and possibly
	  earlier versions)
SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0007h,AX=0010h"MS MOUSE"

Format of Genius Mouse update region list:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 03173)
 00h	WORD	left-most column
 02h	WORD	top-most row
 04h	WORD	right-most column
 06h	WORD	bottom-most row