INT 14 - FOSSIL(Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer)  A standardized API for performing serial I/O, originally used by the Fido and Opus bulletin- board software and Seadog bulletin-board mailer, but now in wider use. - ENABLE/DISABLE FLOW CONTROL
	AH = 0Fh
	AL = bit mask describing requested flow control (see #00340)
	DX = port number
Return: nothing
SeeAlso: AH=09h"MBBIOS",AH=10h"FOSSIL(Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer)  A standardized API for performing serial I/O, originally used by the Fido and Opus bulletin- board software and Seadog bulletin-board mailer, but now in wider use."

Bitfields for FOSSIL(Fido/Opus/Seadog Standard Interface Layer)  A standardized API for performing serial I/O, originally used by the Fido and Opus bulletin- board software and Seadog bulletin-board mailer, but now in wider use. requested flow control:
Bit(s)	Description	(Table 00340)
 0	XON/XOFF on transmit (watch for XOFF while sending)
 1	CTS/RTS (CTS on transmit/RTS on receive)
 2	reserved
 3	XON/XOFF on receive (send XOFF when buffer near full)
 4-7	all 1

	AH = 0Fh
	CX = number of characters to read
	ES:BX -> buffer
	DX = port number (00h-03h) (04h-43h for XAPCM232.SYS)
Return: AX = number of characters read
	ZF clear if successful
	ZF set on error (line status or wrong number of characters)
SeeAlso: AH=0Eh"Digiboard"

INT 14 - MBBIOS PACCOM support - SET SLOT TIME                                  
	AH = 0Fh
	AL = new setting in clock ticks
Return: nothing
Desc:	specify the time from end of DCD to RTS