INT 14 - Alloy MW386 v2+ - CHANGE PHYSICAL PORTIBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT) PARAMETERS
	AH = 24h
	CX = physical I/O port number
	DS:DX -> configuration table (see #00352)
Return: AH = 00h
Note:	invalid port numbers are merely ignored
SeeAlso: INT 17/AH=96h

Format of Alloy MW386 configuration table:
Offset	Size	Description	(Table 00352)
 00h	BYTE	baud rate (see #00353)
 01h	BYTE	data bits (00h=5, 01h=6, 02h=7, 03h=8)
 02h	BYTE	parity (00h none, 01h odd, 02h even)
 03h	BYTE	stop bits (00h=1, 01h=2)
 04h	BYTE	receive flow control
		00h none, 01h XON/XOFF, 02h DTR/DSR, 03h XPC, 04h RTS/CTS
 05h	BYTE	transmit flow control (as for receive)

(Table 00353)
Values for Alloy MW386 baud rate:
 00h	38400
 01h	19200
 02h	9600
 03h	7200
 04h	4800
 05h	3600
 06h	2400
 07h	2000
 08h	1200
 09h	600
 0Ah	300
 0Bh	150
 0Ch	134.5
SeeAlso: #00309

INT 14 - MultiDOS Plus - SET MONITOR MODE                                       
	AH = 24h
	AL = port status storage
	    00h single status for entire receive buffer
	    01h separate status kept for each byte in receive buffer
	DX = port number
Return: AH = status
	    00h successful
	    3Ah invalid status storage specified
	    41h no such port
	    64h monitor mode already active
Note:	in monitor mode, MultiDOS redirects all BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) A set of standardized calls giving low-level access to the hardware.  The BIOS is the lowest software layer above the actual hardware and serves to insulate programs (and operating systems) which use it from the details of accessing the hardware directly. video output to a serial
SeeAlso: AH=20h"MultiDOS",AH=25h

INT 14 - PC-MOS/386 v5.01 $serial.sys v5.04 - ???                               
	AH = 24h
Return: ???
Program: PC-MOS/386 v5.01 is a multitasking, multiuser MS-DOS 5.0-compatible
	  operating system by The Software Link, Inc.

INT 14 - HUNTER 16 - CONTROL CTS HANDSHAKING                                    
	AH = 24h
	AL = new CTS handshake state for COM1 (00h disabled, 01h enabled)
Return: nothing
SeeAlso: AH=23h"HUNTER",AH=25h"HUNTER",AH=26h"HUNTER"